What Customers Need To Know About Digital Printing Solutions

Digital printing services are essential to a wide range of organizations. If you're checking out businesses that sell digital printing solutions, though, it's important to understand what differentiates them from more traditional printing models. Customers need to know these three things about digital printing.


Regardless of the medium involved in a project, your printing services provider will be working directly with it. There will be no intermediate steps, such as creating printing plates or screens. Instead, there is a digital printer that applies ink, toner, or heat directly to whatever materials you're using.

If that sounds a lot like how your printer works at home or in the office, that's because it is. The notable difference, though, is digital printing solutions employ machines that are generally bigger, sturdier, and able to use a wider range of inks. This means a digital printing services firm can deliver photographic quality on materials with much bigger dimensions. A company can print more items much faster, allowing you to produce thousands of leaflets, booklets, magazines, or other products.

Color Profiles

One of the big things to remember is that the direct-to-medium approach means there aren't any old-school print shop tricks for changing the appearance of a product. Consequently, the quality of the product depends heavily on how you and the printing company use the available digital tools.

A central part of producing great digital printing is the use of color profiles. These are digital systems that match various devices' color usage to ensure consistency. If you design something on your computer, you want it to look the same when a graphic designer at the print business pulls it up on theirs. Color profiles create greater consistency between monitors and printers, reducing the odds of a mismatch. Ask the digital printing services professionals for a copy of the printers' color profiles.

High-Resolution Content

The quality of the final product is unlikely to exceed the quality of the initial content. If you use a low-resolution image that's also highly compressed, for example, the printer isn't going to transform that into something nicer. Customers should include the highest-quality content they can with their files. If your project uses several photographs for a brochure, for example, make sure every image is in a high resolution to maximize quality. Also, use vector graphics for things like charts and shapes to ensure the quality will survive any potential resizing.

Contact a local digital printing service to learn more. 
