Effective Printing For The Home-Based Business: Inkjet Vs. Laser

The battle over whether you should buy an inkjet or laser printer for your home office is perpetual, with viable arguments on both sides. The truth is, you may need both. Which printer is best for your workplace depends on what you print, the volume and how many people share the printer. Text Vs. Images If you only print black-and-white text, either printer will do, but if you print large volumes, a laser printer is your most economical alternative.

Four Questions To Ask A Commercial Printer Before Going To Press

Having a great relationship with a commercial printer is a must for most businesses. Even if you don't print more than a handful of projects in a year, knowing what your printer needs to be most effective and save you time and money will make these go smoothly. The first time you work with a new printer, you'll need to ask some questions to make sure you are providing them with digital files that won't cause them undue headaches.